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The Outsider (Pilgrimman)

September 6, 2025

The 11th-annual Outsider Triathlon is a special multisport event that will provide a challenging and rewarding race experience inside of beautiful Myles Standish State Forrest. This year, we are offering sprint, half & olympic distances. 

2025 Pilgrimman

The Outsider Logo.png

Founded in 1620, Plymouth is one of the most historic places in the USA as the settlement site of the first Pilgrims. Since 2014, Plymouth has also been home to The Outsider, a multisport event based in beautiful DCR Myles Standish State Forest offering: a sprint triathlon, duathlon & splash & dash, an olympic triathlon & aquabike plus a half distance triathlon and aquabike.


Join us in this historic city on Saturday, September 6, 2025 for a swim in the pristine waters of College Pond, a scenic bike along many freshly paved roads and a run on tree-lined roads and bike paths almost exclusively closed to traffic. Read on for details!

Sprint Tri, Du & Splash and Dash Course Info

Description of the swim, bike and run courses for The Outsider courses are below.

The Sprint Swim Course: The sprint Triathlon swim is a 0.30 mile clockwise loop that will be marked by buoys and supported by lifeguards in kayaks and in the water. Click here to see a map of the swim course.

The sprint Splash & Dash swim will be a 0.3 mile clockwise loop. Athletes in the Splash & Dash will swim once around the 0.3 mile loop marked out for athletes in the half distance race (athletes in the half complete this loop twice). Click here to see a map of the swim course.

Swim Start Format: The swim start format will be a combination of a traditional, “mass start” approach and a time trial start. Athletes in the Elite wave will approach the water through the swim corral, wade into the water and start the race following a traditional, mass start approach on “GO!”. Athletes in subsequent waves will start the race following a time trial format. These athletes will enter the swim corral and go into the water side-by-side, 2 at a time, every 5 seconds. There will be lanes leading from the swim corral to the timing mat to help organize this procession. An athlete’s time begins when he/she crosses the timing wire buried in the sand at the water’s edge.

Pilgrimman Triathlon Swim Map

Swim Waves: The 2024 swim wave plan has some significant changes due to adding olympic distances to the event. The new swim wave order will be 1) 7:30 Half races, 2) 7:45 Olympic races & 3) 8:00 Sprint races. See below for the Du & Splash N Dash schedule as well.  All athletes in a distance will start together. Athletes will self seed within their wave. Faster swimmers to the front & slower swimmers towards the back of the line. Triathletes, Aquabikers, Relays & Beginners are in the same wave. Males and females will also start together. Where you start within your wave is up to you.


The earlier start will provide a continuous finish line experience for everyone involved. Please email us with any questions.

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Water Temperature and Wet Suits: The Outsider Triathlon is a USAT sanctioned event and per USAT rules wetsuits may be worn if the water temperature is 78F or less.  If the water temperature is between 78.1F and 83.9F participants may wear a wetsuit but will NOT be eligible for awards (they will still receive all timing splits).  USAT rules also mandate that if the water temperature is 84F or higher, no participants will be allowed to wear a wet suit. The College Pond water temperature was 68F in 2021, 69F in 2022 & 76 in 2023. .  A water temperature read will be taken and posted to our social media feeds on as the event draws closer.

The Duathlon Run (Leg 1): The first leg of the duathlon will be a 1.2 mile out and back run course along Lower College Pond Road. This course is closed to traffic.

The Sprint Tri & Duathlon Bike: The bike course is 12.7 miles all along the tree-lined roads within Myles Standish State Forest. After leaving transition next to College Pond, cyclists will ride south along Upper College Pond Road towards Fearing Pond.  At about the 3.5 mile mark cyclists will turn left onto Fearing Pond Road to complete a 2.5 mile loop around the pond and then return to Upper College Pond Road where they will turn right and ride north back towards College Pond. Just past the 9 mile mile cyclists will turn right onto Alden Road, ride about 2 miles to a turnaround point and then complete a U-turn and ride back towards transition near College Pond. Click here to see a map of the Sprint Tri and Du bike course.

The Sprint Tri Run, Splash & Dash Run and Duathlon Run (Leg 2):  All athletes in the sprint Triathlon, Splash & Dash and Duathlon (leg 2) will complete a 3.1 mile run that is a simple out and back course along Lower College Pond Road. This course is closed to traffic. An aid station will be positioned at the turnaround point with water and Gatorade.  Click here to see a map of the Sprint Tri and Du (leg 2) run course.

Sprint Tri, Du & Splash and Dash Event Details

Event Date and Location: The Outsider Triathlon takes place on Saturday, September 6, 2025 at College Pond in DCR Myles Standish State Forest in Plymouth, MA. The event will start at 8:30am with athletes in the sprint distance triathlon swimming first followed by athletes in the half distance triathlon and aquabike. Athletes in the sprint Splash & Dash will start after all athletes in the half have started. The start time of the sprint duathlon is 8:45am.

Event Distance: The sprint triathlon consists of a 0.3 mile swim, 12.7 mile bike and 3.1 mile run. The duathlon features a 1.2 mile run, a 12.7 mile bike and a 3.1 mile run. The splash & dash will be a 0.3 mile swim and 3.1 mile run.

Sprint Triathlon Race Categories: Athletes in the triathlon may register for any of the following categories:


  • Open/Elite

  • Age Group

  • Athena (females, 165+ lbs)

  • Clydesdale (males, 220+ lbs)

  • Paratriathlete

  • Friends, Families & Beginners.

  • Relay team divisions (all male, all female or mixed gender).


Athletes who wish to compete to be the overall male or female winner should register for the Open/Elite category.


Age Group categories begin with 19 and under and then follow standard USA Triathlon age breaks in five year increments (e.g. 20-24, 25-29, 30-34, etc.). Your age group is determined by your age on December 31, 2024!  MINIMUM AGE: 10 years old as of race day, but younger athletes will be accepted if they have experience training/racing the distances they plan to race and/or are interested in participating as a member of a relay team.

The Friends, Families & Beginners category is for athletes just getting started in triathlon or prefer to start the race in the same wave with a friend or family member. Athletes that choose the Families, Friends & Beginners category when registering will be grouped together in the same wave so they can start the swim together. These athletes will receive all timing splits, but will not be eligible for any age group awards. Note that we are offering this category to give people an opportunity to start the race together and athletes in this category are welcomed to stay together throughout the event.

Timing: All triathletes will receive 6 timing splits: (1) the swim, (2) transition 1, (3) the bike, (4) transition 2, (5) the run and (6) overall time.


Duathletes will also receive 6 timing splits: (1) the first run, (2) transition 1, (3) the bike, (4) transition 2, (5) the second run and (6) overall time.


Splash & Dash athletes receive 4 timing splits: (1) swim time, (2) transition time), (3) run time and (4) overall time.

Awards and Cash Prizes: Awards will be given to the top 3 male and female triathlon finishers in each Age Group as well as the Athena (females 165+ lbs) and Clydesdale (males 220+ lbs) divisions. All 3 members of the 1st place Mixed, Female and Male relay teams will also receive an award.


Duathlon awards will be given to the 3 fastest men and 3 fastest women overall. If the duathlon field has more than 50 registrants additional awards categories will be added.


Splash & Dash awards will be given to the 3 fastest men and 3 fastest women overall. If the SPlash & Dash field has more than 50 registrants additional awards categories will be added.

USA Triathlon Membership: This is a USAT sanctioned event and all participating athletes age 18 or older must have either a valid annual USAT membership OR a purchase a 1-day USAT license ($15). Athletes age 17 and under can purchase an annual license for $10 (there is no 1-day license fee opton for athetes under the age of 17).

Important Rules: USA USA Triathlon rules will apply. Please review the rules at There will be USAT Officials present at the event. Three areas of common violations are (1) Drafting, (2) Blocking and (3) Centerline. To avoid drafting violations you must stay at least 3 bike lengths behind the competitor in front of you. When attempting to pass you must do so within 15 seconds. Blocking violations are assessed for failing to ride to the right (except when passing). Centerline violations can be avoided by not crossing the yellow centerline of the road. HELMETS ARE REQUIRED. Chin strap must be buckled at ALL times you are on the bike even when in the transition area. Handlebars/aerobars must have bar-end plugs securely inserted into the bar. Taping over bar ends is not permitted. Lack of bar end plugs will result in disqualification.

Olympic Tri & Aquabike Course Info

Description of the swim, bike and run courses for The Outsider courses are below.

The Olympic Swim Course: The 0.6 mile olympic triathlon and aquabike swim will be a 0.6 mile clockwise loop to be completed once. Click here to see a map of the swim course.

Swim Start Format: The start for the olympic swim will consist of a combination of a traditional, “mass start” approach and a time trial start. Athletes in the Elite wave will approach the water through the swim corral, wade into the water and start the race following a traditional, mass start approach. Athletes in subsequent waves will start the race following a time trial format. These athletes will enter the swim corral and go into the water side-by-side, 2-3 at a time, every 5-10 seconds. There will be lanes leading from the swim corral to the timing mat to help organize this procession. An athlete’s time begins when he/she crosses the timing wire buried in the sand at the water’s edge.

Pilgrimman Triathlon Swim Map

Swim Waves: The 2024 swim wave plan has some significant changes due to adding olympic distances to the event. The new swim wave order will be 1) 7:30 Half races, 2) 7:45 Olympic races & 3) 8:00 Sprint races. See below for the Du & Splash N Dash schedule as well.  All athletes in a distance will start together. Athletes will self seed within their wave. Faster swimmers to the front & slower swimmers towards the back of the line. Triathletes, Aquabikers, Relays & Beginners are in the same wave. Males and females will also start together. Where you start within your wave is up to you.


The earlier start will provide a continuous finish line experience for everyone involved. Please email us with any questions.

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Water Temperature and Wet Suits: The Outsider Triathlon is a USAT sanctioned event and per USAT rules wetsuits may be worn if the water temperature is 78F or less.  If the water temperature is between 78.1F and 83.9F participants may wear a wetsuit but will NOT be eligible for awards (they will still receive all timing splits).  USAT rules also mandate that if the water temperature is 84F or higher, no participants will be allowed to wear a wet suit. The College Pond water temperature was 68F in 2021, 69F in 2022 & 76 in 2023. .  A water temperature read will be taken and posted to our social media feeds on as the event draws closer.

Swim Caps: All participants will be given a swim cap that must be worn during the swim. The swim cap color corresponds to the wave each athlete is assigned to.

The Olympic Triathlon and Aquabike Bike: The olympic bike course will be 26 miles and goes through Myles Standish State Forest and neighboring Carver, MA. The first 12.7 miles of the course are the same as the sprint tri & Half course. At the 12.7 mile mark cyclists in the half & olympic will ride past transition along Lower College Pond Road and continue on to a sharp left turn onto Halfway Pond Road. This will be a split from the half athletes and will require your attention and awareness. We will have volunteers and course markings to assist.  Click here to see a map of the course and cue sheet with turn by turn directions. The bike course has an elevation gain of 1,838′.

Bottle Exchange Stations on the Bike Course: There will be 1 bottle exchange station on the bike course where athletes can grab water or Gatorade. These bottle exchange stations will be near miles 13.

The Bike Cut-Off: The bike cut-off time is yet to be determined with the new starting format and timing. 

The Run Course: The olympic run course will start on Lower College Pond and then runners then turn left on West Cranford Road and run to Upper College Pond Road. Runners will then turn right on Upper College Pond Road and then complete an out and back section along a bike path closed to traffic. There will be a clearly marked turnaround for olympic athletes. This out and back will only be completed once. This is a scenic stretch that cuts through the pine barrens of Myles Standish providing plenty of shade and views of kettle ponds.  We may be biased, we think this is one of the most beautiful runs you’ll find in a triathlon and — except for two road crossings — it’s completely closed to traffic!

Runners then return to Upper College Pond Road, turn left West Cranford Road, turn right on Lower College Pond Road and head on to the finish. Click here to see a course map and a cue sheet with turn by turn directions.

Aid Stations: There will be 2 aid stations on the course that can be accessed 3 times during on the run based on the out and back sections that make up the course. All aid stations will offer water, Gatorade, Power Bar energy gels, Coke (flat) and ice.

The Run Cut-Off: The run course cut-off is yet to be determined due to the new starting times. 

Olympic Tri & Aquabike Event Details

Event Date and Location: The Outsider Triathlon takes place on Saturday, September 6, 2025 at College Pond in DCR Myles Standish State Forest in Plymouth, MA. The event will start at 8:30am with athletes in the sprint distance triathlon swimming first followed by athletes in the half distance triathlon and aquabike. Athletes in the sprint Splash & Dash will start after all athletes in the half have started. The start time of the sprint duathlon is 8:45am.

Event Distance: The olympic triathlon consists of a 0.6 mile swim, 26 mile bike and 6.2 mile run. The aquabike features the same swim and bike. (no run)

Olympic Triathlon Race Categories: Athletes in the triathlon may register for any of the following categories:


  • Open/Elite

  • Age Group

  • Athena (females, 165+ lbs)

  • Clydesdale (males, 220+ lbs)

  • Paratriathlete

  • Friends, Families & Beginners.

  • Relay team divisions (all male, all female or mixed gender).


Athletes who wish to compete to be the overall male or female winner should register for the Open/Elite category.


Age Group categories begin with 19 and under and then follow standard USA Triathlon age breaks in five year increments (e.g. 20-24, 25-29, 30-34, etc.). Your age group is determined by your age on December 31, 2024!  MINIMUM AGE: 10 years old as of race day, but younger athletes will be accepted if they have experience training/racing the distances they plan to race and/or are interested in participating as a member of a relay team.

The Friends, Families & Beginners category is for athletes just getting started in triathlon or prefer to start the race in the same wave with a friend or family member. Athletes that choose the Families, Friends & Beginners category when registering will be grouped together in the same wave so they can start the swim together. These athletes will receive all timing splits, but will not be eligible for any age group awards. Note that we are offering this category to give people an opportunity to start the race together and athletes in this category are welcomed to stay together throughout the event.

Timing: All triathletes will receive 6 timing splits: (1) the swim, (2) transition 1, (3) the bike, (4) transition 2, (5) the run and (6) overall time.


Duathletes will also receive 6 timing splits: (1) the first run, (2) transition 1, (3) the bike, (4) transition 2, (5) the second run and (6) overall time.


Splash & Dash athletes receive 4 timing splits: (1) swim time, (2) transition time), (3) run time and (4) overall time.

Awards and Cash Prizes: Awards will be given to the top 3 male and female triathlon finishers in each Age Group as well as the Athena (females 165+ lbs) and Clydesdale (males 220+ lbs) divisions. All 3 members of the 1st place Mixed, Female and Male relay teams will also receive an award.


Duathlon awards will be given to the 3 fastest men and 3 fastest women overall. If the duathlon field has more than 50 registrants additional awards categories will be added.


Splash & Dash awards will be given to the 3 fastest men and 3 fastest women overall. If the SPlash & Dash field has more than 50 registrants additional awards categories will be added.

USA Triathlon Membership: This is a USAT sanctioned event and all participating athletes age 18 or older must have either a valid annual USAT membership OR a purchase a 1-day USAT license ($15). Athletes age 17 and under can purchase an annual license for $10 (there is no 1-day license fee opton for athetes under the age of 17).

Important Rules: USA USA Triathlon rules will apply. Please review the rules at There will be USAT Officials present at the event. Three areas of common violations are (1) Drafting, (2) Blocking and (3) Centerline. To avoid drafting violations you must stay at least 3 bike lengths behind the competitor in front of you. When attempting to pass you must do so within 15 seconds. Blocking violations are assessed for failing to ride to the right (except when passing). Centerline violations can be avoided by not crossing the yellow centerline of the road. HELMETS ARE REQUIRED. Chin strap must be buckled at ALL times you are on the bike even when in the transition area. Handlebars/aerobars must have bar-end plugs securely inserted into the bar. Taping over bar ends is not permitted. Lack of bar end plugs will result in disqualification.

Half Tri & Aquabike Course Info

Description of the swim, bike and run courses for The Outsider courses are below.

The Half Swim Course: The 1.2 mile Half triathlon and aquabike swim will be a 0.6 mile clockwise loop to be completed twice. Click here to see a map of the swim course.

Swim Start Format: The start for the half swim will consist of a combination of a traditional, “mass start” approach and a time trial start. Athletes in the Elite wave will approach the water through the swim corral, wade into the water and start the race following a traditional, mass start approach. Athletes in subsequent waves will start the race following a time trial format. These athletes will enter the swim corral and go into the water side-by-side, 2-3 at a time, every 5-10 seconds. There will be lanes leading from the swim corral to the timing mat to help organize this procession. An athlete’s time begins when he/she crosses the timing wire buried in the sand at the water’s edge.

Pilgrimman Triathlon Swim Map

Swim Waves: The 2024 swim wave plan has some significant changes due to adding olympic distances to the event. The new swim wave order will be 1) 7:30 Half races, 2) 7:45 Olympic races & 3) 8:00 Sprint races. See below for the Du & Splash N Dash schedule as well.  All athletes in a distance will start together. Athletes will self seed within their wave. Faster swimmers to the front & slower swimmers towards the back of the line. Triathletes, Aquabikers, Relays & Beginners are in the same wave. Males and females will also start together. Where you start within your wave is up to you.


The earlier start will provide a continuous finish line experience for everyone involved. Please email us with any questions.

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Water Temperature and Wet Suits: The Outsider Triathlon is a USAT sanctioned event and per USAT rules wetsuits may be worn if the water temperature is 78F or less.  If the water temperature is between 78.1F and 83.9F participants may wear a wetsuit but will NOT be eligible for awards (they will still receive all timing splits).  USAT rules also mandate that if the water temperature is 84F or higher, no participants will be allowed to wear a wet suit. The College Pond water temperature was 68F in 2021, 69F in 2022 & 76 in 2023. .  A water temperature read will be taken and posted to our social media feeds on as the event draws closer.

Swim Caps: All participants will be given a swim cap that must be worn during the swim. The swim cap color corresponds to the wave each athlete is assigned to.

The Half Triathlon and Aquabike Bike: The Half bike course will be 53 miles and goes through Myles Standish State Forest and neighboring Carver, MA. The first 12.7 miles of the course are the same as the sprint tri course. At the 12.7 mile mark cyclists in the half will ride past transition along Lower College Pond Road and continue on to a sharp right onto Bare Hill Road.  Cyclists will ride 3-4 miles north, complete a turnaround and then return south along Bare Hill Road towards the Myles Standish ranger headquarters where they will turn right onto Cranberry Road. Cyclists then exit the confines of the park and complete a 15 mile loop in the town of Carver, MA that goes past numerous cranberry bogs and water features along some beautiful country roads. Half cyclists then return to Myles Standish State Forest to complete the course.  Click here to see a map of the course and cue sheet with turn by turn directions. The bike course has an elevation gain of 1,838′.

Bottle Exchange Stations on the Bike Course: There will be 3 bottle exchange stations on the bike course where athletes can grab water or Gatorade. These bottle exchange stations will be near miles 13, 30 and 45.

The Bike Cut-Off: The bike cut-off time is yet to be determined with the new starting format and timing. 

The Run Course: The 2023 half run course will start on Lower College Pond and then runners then turn left on West Cranford Road and run to Upper College Pond Road. Runners will then turn right on Upper College Pond Road and then complete an out and back section along a bike path closed to traffic two times. This is a scenic stretch that cuts through the pine barrens of Myles Standish providing plenty of shade and views of kettle ponds.  We may be biased, we think this is one of the most beautiful runs you’ll find in a triathlon and — except for two road crossings — it’s completely closed to traffic!

Runners then return to Upper College Pond Road, turn left West Cranford Road, turn right on Lower College Pond Road and head on to the finish. Click here to see a course map and a cue sheet with turn by turn directions.

Aid Stations: There will be 2 aid stations on the course that can be accessed 7 times during on the run based on the out and back sections that make up the course. All aid stations will offer water, Gatorade, Power Bar energy gels, Coke (flat) and ice.

The Run Cut-Off: The run course cut-off is yet to be determined due to the new starting times. 

Half Triathlon & Aquabike Event Details

Event Date and Location: The Outsider takes place on Saturday, September 6, 2025 at College Pond in Myles Standish State Forest in Plymouth, MA. The event will start at 7:30am with athletes in the half  distance triathlon swimming followed by athletes participating in the half aquabike. The first half triathlon swim wave is expected to start at 7:30am. 

Event Distance: The Pilgrimman Half Triathlon is a 1.2 mile swim, 53 mile bike and 13.1 mile run. The Half Aquabike is the same 1.2 mile swim and 53 mile bike (no run).

Half Tri Categories: Athletes in the triathlon may register for any of the following categories:


  • Open/Elite

  • Age Group

  • Athena (females, 165+ lbs)

  • Clydesdale (males, 220+ lbs)

  • Relay team divisions (all male, all female or mixed)


Athletes who wish to compete to be the overall male or female winner should register for the Open/Elite category.


Age Group categories begin with 19 and under and then follow standard USA Triathlon age breaks in five year increments (e.g. 20-24, 25-29, 30-34, etc.). Your age group is determined by your age on December 31, 2024! MINIMUM AGE: 17 years old as of race day, but younger athletes will be accepted if they have experience training/racing the distances they plan to race and/or are interested in participating as a member of a relay team.

Timing: All triathletes will receive 6 timing splits: (1) the swim, (2) transition 1, (3) the bike, (4) transition 2, (5) the run and (6) overall.

Awards and Cash Prizes: Awards will be given to the top 3 male and female finishers in each age group as well as for the top 3 in the Athena, and Clydesdale categories. The top 3 male and females in the Aquabike races and all 3 members of the 1st place Mixed, Female and Male relay teams will also receive an award.

Post Race Food and Refreshments, Music and Giveaways: After the half distance race there will be a delicious meal with vegetarian and gluten-free options (included with your entry fee). A DJ will be on hand to keep the mood festive and racers will be eligible to win valuable giveaways from our sponsors.

USA Triathlon Membership: This is a USAT sanctioned event and all participating athletes age 18 or older must have either a valid annual USAT membership OR a purchase a 1-day USAT license ($15). Athletes age 17 and under can purchase an annual license for $10 (there is no 1-day license fee opton for athetes under the age of 17).

Important Rules: USA USA Triathlon rules will apply. Please review the rules at There will be USAT Officials present at the event. Three areas of common violations are (1) Drafting, (2) Blocking and (3) Centerline. To avoid drafting violations you must stay at least 3 bike lengths behind the competitor in front of you. When attempting to pass you must do so within 15 seconds. Blocking violations are assessed for failing to ride to the right (except when passing). Centerline violations can be avoided by not crossing the yellow centerline of the road. HELMETS ARE REQUIRED. Chin strap must be buckled at ALL times you are on the bike even when in the transition area. Handlebars/aerobars must have bar-end plugs securely inserted into the bar. Taping over bar ends is not permitted. Lack of bar end plugs will result in disqualification.

Registration Fees

This is a USAT sanctioned event and all participating athletes must have either a valid USAT annual membership OR will be required to purchase an adult 1-day USAT license ($15; age 18 or older) or a youth annual license ($10; age 17 or younger).


In addition to a safe, fun and well-managed event, the registration fee for the Sprint Triathlon includes:


  • Gender-specific T-shirt, if ordered before deadline. Unisex shirts only within 3 weeks of the race. 

  • Water bottle wrapped in a cold hand towel at the finish

  • Swim cap

  • Finisher medal

  • Race photos

  • Post race food & drink. (Post race meal is available for $20)

  • A chance to win valuable sponsor giveaways


SPRINT Triathlon Individual (Adult):


  • $125 until 1/1/25

  • $135 from 1/2/25 to 8/4/25

  • $145 from 8/4/25 until close of online registration

  • $155 on site. (If available)


SPRINT Triathlon Individual (Youth, Age 10-19):


  • $95 until 1/1/25

  • $105 from 1/2/25 to 8/4/25

  • $115 from 8/4/25 until close of online registration

  • $125 on site. (If available)


SPRINT Triathlon Relay Team:


  • $165 until 1/1/25

  • $175 from 1/2/25 to 8/4/25

  • $185 from 8/4/25 until close of online registration

  • $195 on site. (If available)


SPRINT Duathlon Individual (Adult):


  • $115 until 1/1/25

  • $125 from 1/2/25 to 8/4/25

  • $135 from 8/4/25 until close of online registration

  • $145 on site. (If available)


SPRINT Duathlon Individual (Youth, Age 10-19):


  • $85 until 1/1/25

  • $95 from 1/2/25 to 8/4/25

  • $105 from 8/4/25 until close of online registration

  • $115 on site. (If available)


SPRINT Splash & Dash (Adult):


  • $65 until 1/1/25

  • $75 from 1/2/25 to 8/4/25

  • $85 from 8/4/25 until close of online registration.

  • $95 on site. (If available)


SPRINT Splash & Dash (Youth):


  • $55 until 1/1/25

  • $65 from 1/2/25 to 8/4/25

  • $75 from 8/4/25 until close of online registration

  • $85 on site. (If available)


In addition to a safe, fun and well-managed event, the registration fee for the Olympic Triathlon or Aquabike includes:


  • Gender-specific T-shirt, if ordered before deadline. Unisex shirts only within 3 weeks of the race. 

  • Additional swag item (to be announced)

  • Water bottle wrapped in a cold hand towel at the finish

  • Swim cap

  • Finisher medal

  • Race photos

  • Post race catered meal with all the fixins!

  • A chance to win valuable sponsor giveaways


Olympic Triathlon Individual:


  • $155 until 1/1/25

  • $165 from 1/2/25 to 8/4/25

  • $175 from 8/4/25 until close of online registration

  • $185 on site. (If Available)


Olympic Aquabike:


  • $145 until 1/1/25

  • $155 from 1/2/25 to 8/1/25

  • $165 from 8/1/25 until close of online registration

  • $175 on site. (If Available)


Olympic Triathlon Relay Team:


  • $245 until 1/1/25

  • $255 from 1/2/25 to 8/4/25

  • $265 from 8/4/25 until close of online registration

  • $275 on site. (If available)


In addition to a safe, fun and well-managed event, the registration fee for the Half Triathlon or Aquabike includes:


  • Gender-specific T-shirt, if ordered before deadline. Unisex shirts only within 3 weeks of the race. 

  • Additional swag item (to be announced)

  • Water bottle wrapped in a cold hand towel at the finish

  • Swim cap

  • Finisher medal

  • Race photos

  • Post race catered meal with all the fixins!

  • A chance to win valuable sponsor giveaways


HALF Triathlon Individual:


  • $280 until 1/1/25

  • $299 from 1/2/25 to 8/4/25

  • $319 from 8/4/25 until close of online registration

  • $329 on site. (If Available)


HALF Aquabike:


  • $260 until 1/1/25

  • $289 from 1/2/25 to 8/4/25

  • $309 from 8/4/25 until close of online registration

  • $319 on site. (If Available)


HALF Triathlon Relay Team:


  • $369 until 1/1/25

  • $399 from 1/2/25 to 8/4/25

  • $409 from 8/4/25 until close of online registration

  • $419 on site. (If available)


Event Schedule

Below is a TENTATIVE schedule for the 2025 Outsider Triathlon.


Friday, 9/5/25 at College Pond inside DCR Myles Standish State Forest:


  • 2:30pm-5:30pm: Packet pick for all races.


NOTE: Athletes have the option to leave their bike in transition overnight. Security will be in place throughout the night to guard the transition area.


Saturday, 9/6/25 inside DCR Myles Standish State Forest:


  • 5:30am-7:00am: Transition opens, race packet pick-up begins; PHOTO ID REQUIRED for packet pick-up… NO PHOTO ID, NO RACING, NO EXCEPTIONS; USAT annual members must show a valid USAT license or will be required to purchase a 1-day license; if you purchased a 1-day USAT license when registering online you are all set;

  • 6:50am: Pre-race meeting with announcements from the Race Director; all athletes must be in or near transition. 

  • 7:00-7:20: warm up swim

  • 7:30am: Race start; athletes in the half distance triathlon will be in the first set of swim waves followed by olympic and sprint athletes.

  • 7:45am: Athletes in the olympic distance start

  • 8:00am: Athletes in the sprint distance start

  • 8:15am: Start of the Sprint Duathlon

  • 8:20am: Start of the Splash N Dash

  • 10:00am (est): Sprint triathlon, duathlon and splash & dash awards ceremony and giveaways

  • 11:00am catered meal service. 

  • 11:15pm (est): Olympic awards ceremony and giveaways

  • 12:30pm (est): Half triathlon awards ceremony and giveaways


Below is the parking plan for 2025. The 2025 Pilgrimman Athlete Guide published the week of the race will have the final 2025 race parking plan which will also be posted here. 


Parking location #1 is at College Pond, the race site. This lot will be open during Friday’s packet pick-up hours (2:30pm-5:30pm) and on race morning beginning at 6:00am. There are about 115 parking spaced at College Pond. This is the most convenient lot and will likely fill by 6:30am, however ANYONE THAT PARKS IN THIS LOT ON RACE DAY WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO LEAVE UNTIL 1:30PM (you will be able to come and go freely on Friday). Transition for the event will be set up in the College Pond lot and the entrance/exit to the lot is also the bike in and bike out so cars will not be able to leave this lot until all athletes in the half distance race have completed the bike segment of their event which is estimated at 1:30pm. If you are participating in the half, this lot is a great option because you’ll either be enjoying the post-race meal at 1:30pm or still racing. You can park here if you are participating in the sprint race, but understand you won’t be able to leave until 1:30pm. Let me repeat that (for a 3rd time 😉)… if you park at College Pond you won’t be able to leave until 1:30pm. This rule will be strictly enforced for the safety of athletes. Please cooperate!


Handicap parking will be available at College Pond.


Parking location #2 is along Cranford and West Cranford Roads. Access to Cranford Road and West Cranford Road from Lower College Pond Road will be available until 7:00am on race morning. Depending on where you park on these roads, the distance to College Pond is 0.25 to 1 mile so build extra time into your pre-race schedule if you expect to park along one of these roads. In addition, THESE ROADS WILL BE SET FOR ONE WAY TRAFFIC ONLY ON RACE DAY AND PARKING WILL ONLY BE PERMITTED ON ONE SIDE. Parking attendants and DCR staff will help direct you to these locations and “No Parking” signs will be posted along the side of the road that we don’t want you parking on. It is critical that you cooperate with these instructions.


Parking location #3 is in parking Lot #2 on Upper College Pond Road near the intersection of Cranford Road and Upper College Pond Road. There are no restrictions with parking in this lot. This lot is 1.2 miles from College Pond.

Pilgrimman Triathlon Parking


Volunteers Needed


Volunteers are the backbone of any successful event.  From help with set up, through event execution and during breakdown there is no shortage of jobs where volunteers can help. We also work with various community organizations who bring groups of volunteers to our events and, in exchange for their time and effort, receive a donation to their organization.


Click here to visit the 2024 Pilgrimman online volunteer registration page with detail on the volunteer jobs we are looking to fill and to sign up.Contact us at with questions.


Are you looking to raise money for your community group? If yes, we should talk. We partner with a variety of community groups who volunteer for our races as part of a fundraising effort. To learn more about volunteering at our events as an individual or as part of a community group fund raising effort please contact us at


The inaugural Pilgrimman Triathlon was in 2014 and results each year of the event are available below.

Event Policies, Cancellation, Refunds, Deferrals & Transfers

  • Refund Protect: Refund Protect is a program made available by haku, our registration partner,  that will protect 100% of your registration investment due to illness (including COVID-19), injury, flight disruption and other reasons based on specific terms and conditions. There is a cost to purchase Refund Protect. Details on this program can be found here.

  • Refunds: This event is non-refundable. You must purchase refund protect (third-party insurance) to receive a refund. This product is less expensive than our old previous cancellation fee & allows you to have more flexibility to cancel closer to race day. 

  • Deferrals: Athletes may request a deferral of their 2025 Pilgrimman Triathlon entry to the 2026 Outsider Triathlon up until 7/1/24. Deferral requests must be submitted in writing to The deferral schedule and deferral fee are as follows:​ Athletes requesting deferral between 1/1/25 & 7/1/25 will pay a $50 deferral fee at the time they defer to the 2026 race. Athletes will then be sent a complimentary registration link for the same category of the 2026 Outsider Triathlon when registration opens. Deferrals will only be granted 1 time per race entry. Athletes may not roll over a deferral beyond the next sequential race. No deferrals will be granted after 7/1/25.

  • Cancellation: If the 2025 Outsider Triathlon is canceled for adverse weather, natural catastrophe or terrorism registered athletes may receive a full or partial refund through our partnership with haku, our registration partner, and their relationship with Adventure Advocates (note: cancellation due to COVID-19 or other infectious diseases are not covered by this policy).  Click here for more details on this refund program. Should a partial or full refund not be possible, Outsider Endurance would extend athletes a partial credit towards entry in the 2026 Outsider.

  • Course Changes: Event Management reserves the right to alter, cancel or eliminate any portion of a race at any time in the interest of athlete safety or for other reasons beyond our control. No refunds will be issued if changes are made to a race due to these circumstances.

  • Category Change: Category change requests (e.g. triathlon to aquabike; Elite/Open to Age Group) must be submitted by Friday, 8/24/25.

  • Transfers to Other Outsider Endurance Races: Registered athletes that are unable to race may transfer to another 2025 OE race. Transfer requests must be made no later than 8/11/25. If the registration fee for the race transferred to is LESS than the registration fee already paid, the difference in price is forfeited. If the registration fee for the race transferred to is MORE than the registration fee paid you will be required to pay the difference in registration fees. Note that any USAT fees collected during the registration process are transmitted directly to USAT and are, therefore, not refundable by Outsider Endurance (contact USAT for a refund request). Online processing fees are also non-refundable.

  • The exchange, transfer or sale of entries to other athletes is strictly prohibited.

About Myles Standish State Forest & Plymouth, MA

Managed by the Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR), Myles Standish State Forest is a treasure of the Massachussets southcoast region and just 45 miles south of Boston. The park covers more than 12,000 acres where you can hike (13 miles of trails!), bike, fish, paddle, swim, camp, hunt, and ride horses among cranberry bogs, pine barrens, and kettle ponds.


Plymouth, MA is not only home to Myles Standish State Forest, but is also one of the most popular tourist destinations in New England. Known as “America’s Hometown” for it’s prominence in American History, Plymouth was the site of the colony founded in 1620 by the Mayflower Pilgrims, where New England was first established, and was also the site of the First Thanksgiving feast. Today, the city and surrounding area offers numerous attractions, fabulous restaurants, terrific brew pubs and outstanding wine bars.  Make your participation in the 2023 Pilgrimman Triathlon a weekend long experience and enjoy everything Plymouth County has to offer!​

2024 Athlete Guide

BPC Patriot Half
Gatorade Endurance
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