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Cranberry Trifest

August 24, 2025

Now 24 years strong, the Cranberry Trifest offers sprint and olympic distance multisport races.

2024 Athlete Guide

2025 Cranberry Trifest

Race the Cranberry Trifest

Cranberry Trifest offers a terrific weekend of racing that includes a sprint distance triathlon and splash & dash and an olympic distance triathlon and aquabike on Sunday, August 24, 2025. All events take place at the Ted Williams Camp located at 28 Precinct Street in Lakeville, MA.


Cranberry Trifest promises you safe and scenic race and the attention to the little things that add up to an award-winning race experience. You’ll enjoy a festive and friendly atmosphere with a DJ, live music, delicious post-race food, valuable giveaways and more. 

Sprint Tri & Splash and Dash Course Info

Description of the swim, bike and run courses for Cranberry Trifest courses are below.

The Swim: The Cranberry sprint swim is a 0.25 mile counter-clockwise loop that will be marked by buoys and supported by lifeguards in kayaks and in the water. 


The swim start format will be a combination of a traditional, “mass start” approach and a time trial start. Athletes in the Elite wave will approach the water through the swim corral, wade into the water and start the race following a traditional, mass start approach on “GO!”. Athletes in subsequent waves will start the race following a time trial format. These athletes will enter the swim corral and go into the water side-by-side, 2 at a time, every 5 seconds. There will be lanes leading from the swim corral to the timing mat to help organize this procession. An athlete’s time begins when he/she crosses the timing wire buried in the sand at the water’s edge. The last swim wave will consist of athletes in the Splash & Dash.


Course Map for the 2025 Cranberry Trifest:

Cranberry Trifest Swim Map

Swim Wave Plan for the 2024 Cranberry Trifest:

Cranberry Trifest Swim Waves

PLEASE NOTE: Swimming in Loon Pond at the Ted Williams Camp is NOT ALLOWED without special permission from the Lakeville Parks Commission. Athletes swimming in Loon Pond without permission is a liability for the Ted Williams Camp. PLEASE DO NOT IGNORE THIS REQUEST OF RACE MANAGEMENT.

The Bike: The 21 mile bike course winds it’s way through Lakeville, Middleboro, Rochester, Freetown and then back into Lakeville. This is a relatively flat course and will be supported with police details to help control traffic and volunteers and signage to accurately guide you along the course. The sprint course follows the first 8 miles of the olympic bike course until the intersection of Neck Road and North Road in Rochester where sprint cyclists go right while olympic cyclists continue to ride straight.  The sprint course re-merges with the olympic course about 1 mile later. The last 10 miles of the sprint and olympic course are the same. Click here for a map of the sprint (and olympic) bike course.

Technical Support: Tech support will be available starting at 5:30am the morning of the event for any last minute, minor technical adjustments (e.g. a rubbing brake, tire inflation). A tech support van will also patrol the bike course to identify and help resolve issues during the race (e.g. flat tire), but athletes are encouraged to be prepared to handle their own technical difficulties as their is no guarantee on course support will arrive just when you need assistance. At a minimum, pack a spare inner tube and a pump.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Athletes are reminded NOT to ride 3-4 across in the road during the bike segment of the race. Doing so blocks traffic and has been a source of resident complaints in the past. Please respect the rules of the road and the permission we are granted to utilize these roads for the race. Failure to comply with this request jeapordizes the future of the race. Officials will be on the course and if you are caught riding 3-4 across during the race you will be assessed a penalty or risk disqualification.

The Run:  The 3.1 mile run is through suburban neighborhoods around the Ted Williams Camp.  This is a flat, out-and-back course that shares some of the same roads as the olympic distance run course. There will be 1-2 aid stations on the course with water and Gatorade Endurance Formula.  The sprint tri run course map can be seen with a click here. *Please note* We have changed the run in & finish line at this year's race. 

Sprint Tri & Splash and Dash Event Details

Event Date and Location: The sprint distance triathlon and splash & dash will be Sunday, 8/24/25 (same day as the olympic distance race). All events take place at the Ted Williams Camp in Lakeville, MA located at 28 Precinct Street in Lakeville, MA. The event will start at 7:30am with swim waves featuring athletes in the olympic distance race. Swim waves for athletes in the sprint race will be started after all swim waves in the olympic race have entered the water.

Event Distance: The sprint distance triathlon consists of a 0.25 mile swim, a 21 mile bike and 3.1 mile run. The splash & dash is a 0.25 mile swim and 3.1 mile run. The swim and run course is the same for the triathlon and the splash & dash.

Sprint Tri Categories: Athletes in the triathlon may register for any of the following categories:


  • Open/Elite

  • Collegiate

  • Age Group

  • Athena (females, 165+ lbs)

  • Clydesdale (males, 220+ lbs)

  • Paratriathlete

  • Friends, Families & Beginners.

  • Relay team divisions (all male, all female or mixed gender).


Athletes who wish to compete to be the overall male or female winner should register for the Open/Elite category.


Age Group categories begin with 19 and under and then follow standard USA Triathlon age breaks in five year increments (e.g. 20-24, 25-29, 30-34, etc.). Your age group is determined by your age on December 31, 2024! MINIMUM AGE: 13 years old as of race day, but younger athletes will be accepted if they have experience training/racing the distances they plan to race and/or are interested in participating as a member of a relay team.


The Friends, Families & Beginners category is for athletes just getting started in triathlon or prefer to start the race in the same wave with a friend or family member.  Athletes that choose the Families, Friends & Beginners category when registering will be grouped together in the same wave so they can start the swim together. These athletes will receive all timing splits, but will not be eligible for any age group awards. Note that we are offering this category to give people an opportunity to start the race together and athletes in this category are welcomed to stay together throughout the event, but drafting on the bike is not allowed and is a USAT rules infraction.

Splash & Dash: The Splash & Dash is a 0.25 mile swim followed by a 3.1 mile run. All athletes in the Splash & Dash will be grouped together into the last wave and will be sent into the water in a time trial start format (as described below).

The Swim Start Format: Athletes will be sent into the water in waves. The first waves will consist of athletes in the Paratriathlete and Open/Elite divisions with all athletes starting at once. All other waves will follow a time trial start format with 2 athletes entering the water every 5 seconds. Athletes in sprint race categories will go AFTER athletes in the olympic distance races.

Water Temperature  and Wetsuits: Cranberry is a USAT sanctioned event and per USAT rules wetsuits may be worn if the water temperature is 78F or less.  If the water temperature is between 78.1F and 83.9F participants may wear a wetsuit but will NOT be eligible for awards (they will still receive all timing splits).  USAT rules also mandate that if the water temperature is 84F or higher, no participants will be allowed to wear a wetsuit. The Loon Pond water temperature has been in the upper 70s the last few years on race day.

Swim Caps: All participants will be given a swim cap that must be worn during the swim. The swim cap color corresponds to the wave each athlete is assigned to.

Timing: Triathletes will receive 6 timing splits: (1) the swim, (2) transition 1, (3) the bike, (4) transition 2, (5) the run and (6) overall. Splash & Dash athletes will receive 4 timing splits: (1) the swim, (2) transition 1, (3) the run and (4) overall.

Awards: Awards will be given to the top 3 male and female triathlon finishers in each Age Group as well as the Athena (females 165+ lbs) and Clydesdale (males 220+ lbs) divisions. All 3 members of the 1st place Mixed, Female and Male relay teams will also receive an award.


Awards in the Splash & Dash will be distributed to the top 3 male and females .

Post Race Food and Refreshments, Music and Giveaways: After the sprint and olympic distance races there will be a delicious catered meal (included in reg price for athletes in the olympic race; athletes in the sprint can purchase a meal ticket when registering) with vegetarian and gluten-free options. A DJ and live band will be on hand to keep the mood festive and racers will be eligible to win valuable giveaways from our sponsors.

USA Triathlon Membership: This is a USAT sanctioned event and all participating athletes age 18 or older must have either a valid annual USAT membership OR  purchase a 1-day USAT license ($15). Athletes age 17 and under who aren’t already a USAT annual member can purchase an annual license for $10 (there is no 1-day license fee option for athletes under the age of 17).

Rules: USA Triathlon rules will apply. Please review the rules at There will be USAT Officials present at the event. Three areas of common violations are (1) Drafting, (2) Blocking and (3) Centerline. To avoid drafting violations you must stay at least 3 bike lengths behind the competitor in front of you. When attempting to pass you must do so within 15 seconds. Blocking violations are assessed for failing to ride to the right (except when passing). Centerline violations can be avoided by not crossing the yellow centerline of the road. HELMETS ARE REQUIRED. Chin strap must be buckled at ALL times you are on the bike even when in the transition area. Handlebars/aerobars must have bar-end plugs securely inserted into the bar. Taping over bar ends is not permitted. Lack of bar end plugs will result in disqualification.

Olympic Tri & Aquabike Course Info

Description of the swim, bike and run courses for Cranberry Trifest courses are below.

The Swim: he 0.90 mile Olympic swim will have athletes swim one counter clockwise loop around the perimeter of Loon Pond.


The start for the olympic swim will consist of a combination of a traditional, “mass start” approach and a time trial start. Athletes in the Elite wave will approach the water through the swim corral, wade into the water and start the race following a traditional, mass start approach. Athletes in subsequent waves will start the race following a time trial format. These athletes will enter the swim corral and go into the water side-by-side, 2-3 at a time, every 5-10 seconds. There will be lanes leading from the swim corral to the timing mat to help organize this procession. An athlete’s time begins when he/she crosses the timing wire buried in the sand at the water’s edge.


The swim cut-off time is 9:00am. Any athletes that do not complete the swim by this time will not be allowed to move on to the next segment of the race.


The Swim map for the 2025 Cranberry Trifest:

Cranberry Trifest Swim Map

Swim Wave Plan for the 2024 Cranberry Trifest:

Cranberry Trifest Swim Waves

PLEASE NOTE: Swimming in Loon Pond at the Ted Williams Camp is NOT ALLOWED without special permission from the Lakeville Parks Commission. Athletes swimming in Loon Pond without permission is a liability for the Ted Williams Camp. PLEASE DO NOT IGNORE THIS REQUEST OF RACE MANAGEMENT.

The Bike: The 26.2 mile bike course is a relatively flat ride with rolling hills through Lakeville, Middleborough, Rochester and Freetown. This is a very scenic ride past farms, water features and cranberry bogs and long stretches are on recently paved roads. Too many, the bike course is their favorite part of the the Olympic. There will be one water bottle exchange on the bike course. Click here to see a map of the olympic bike course.

Technical Support: Tech support will be available starting at 5:30am the morning of the event for any last minute, minor technical adjustments (e.g. a rubbing brake, tire inflation). A tech support van will also patrol the bike course to identify and help resolve issues during the race (e.g. flat tire), but athletes are encouraged to be prepared to handle their own technical difficulties as their is no guarantee on course support will arrive just when you need assistance. At a minimum, pack a spare inner tube and a pump.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Athletes are reminded NOT to ride 3-4 across in the road during the bike segment of the race. Doing so blocks traffic and has been a source of resident complaints in the past. Please respect the rules of the road and the permission we are granted to utilize these roads for the race. Failure to comply with this request jeapordizes the future of the race. Officials will be on the course and if you are caught riding 3-4 across during the race you will be assessed a penalty or risk disqualification.

The Run: The 6.1 mile olympic distance triathlon run was redesigned in 2022. Please refer to the map as the run in & finish area has changed in 2023. Otherwise, the route is the same as 2022. Near the mile 2 mark athletes will turn left on Hill Street and complete an out and back loop that is about 1.5 mile along Hill Street and Katie's Way. Athletes will then turn right on Montgomery, go left on Barstow Street and then right on Precinct Street and run back to Ted Williams Camp. Click here to see a map of this new course.  There will be multiple aid stations on the course. All aid stations offer runners water and Gatorade Endurance Formula. The run cut-off time is 12:45pm. Any athletes that do not complete the run by this time may be removed from the course. ** Please note ** The run in & finish line section has changed for this course. 

Olympic Tri & Aquabike Event Details

Event Date and Location: The Cranberry Trifest olympic distance race takes place Sunday, August 24, 2025. The olympic triathlon and aquabike will start at 7:30AM.  All events and activities take place at the Ted Williams Camp located at 28 Precinct Street in Lakeville, MA.

Event Distance: The Cranberry Trifest Olympic distance triathlon is a 0.9 mile swim, a 26.2 mile bike and a 6.2 mile run. The aquabike is the same 0.9 mile swim and 26.2 mile bike as the triathlon without the run.

Olympic Tri Categories: Athletes in the triathlon (0.90 mile swim-26.2 mile bike-6.2 mile run) may register for any of the following categories:


  • Open/Elite

  • Age Group

  • Athena (females, 165+ lbs)

  • Clydesdale (males, 220+ lbs)

  • Paratriathlete

  • Friends, Families & Beginners.

  • Relay team divisions (all male, all female or mixed).


Athletes who wish to compete to be the overall male or female winner should register for the Open/Elite category.


Age Group categories begin with 19 and under and then follow standard USA Triathlon age breaks in five year increments (e.g. 20-24, 25-29, 30-34, etc.). Your age group is determined by your age on December 31, 2024! MINIMUM AGE: 13 years old as of race day, but younger athletes will be accepted if they have experience training/racing the distances they plan to race and/or are interested in participating as a member of a relay team.

Aquabike: The Aquabike is a 0.90 mile swim followed by the 26.2 mile bike. All athletes in the Aquabike will be grouped together in their own wave and will be sent into the water in a time trial start format (as described below).

The Swim Start Format: Athletes will be sent into the water in waves. The first waves will consist of athletes in the Paratriathlon and Open/Elite divisions who will all start at once. All other waves will follow a time trial start format with 2 athletes entering the water every 5 seconds. Once all olympic distance swim waves have been sent into the water, swim waves in the sprint distance race will begin entering the water.

Water Temperature and Wetsuits: Cranberry is a USAT sanctioned event and per USAT rules wetsuits may be worn if the water temperature is 78F or less.  If the water temperature is between 78.1F and 83.9F participants may wear a wetsuit but will NOT be eligible for awards (they will still receive all timing splits).  USAT rules also mandate that if the water temperature is 84F or higher, no participants will be allowed to wear a wet suit. The Loon Pond water temperature has been in the upper 70s the last few years.

Swim Caps: All participants will be given a swim cap that must be worn during the swim. The swim cap color corresponds to the wave each athlete is assigned to.

Timing: All triathletes will receive 6 timing splits: (1) the swim, (2) transition 1, (3) the bike, (4) transition 2, (5) the run and (6) overall.

Cut-off Times: Athletes must complete the swim by 8:45am, the bike course by 11:00am and the run course by 12:30pm. Athletes that do not complete the swim and bike legs of the race by these cut-off times will not be allowed to move on to the next leg and athletes that do not complete the run by 1pm may be removed from the course.

Post Race Food and Refreshments, Music and Giveaways: After the sprint and olympic distance races there will be a delicious catered meal (included in reg price for athletes in the olympic race; athletes in the sprint can purchase a meal ticket when registering) with vegetarian and gluten-free options. A DJ and live band will be on hand to keep the mood festive and racers will be eligible to win valuable giveaways from our sponsors.

Awards: Awards will be given to the top 3 male and female finishers in each age group as well as for the top 3 in the Athena, and Clydesdale categories. The top 3 male and females in the Aquabike races and all 3 members of the 1st place Mixed, Female and Male relay teams will also receive an award.

USA Triathlon Membership: This is a USAT sanctioned event and all participating athletes age 18 or older must have either a valid annual USAT membership OR  purchase a 1-day USAT license ($15). Athletes age 17 and under who aren’t already a USAT annual member can purchase an annual license for $10 (there is no 1-day license fee option for athletes under the age of 17).

Rules: USA Triathlon rules will apply. Please review the rules at There will be USAT Officials present at the event. Three areas of common violations are (1) Drafting, (2) Blocking and (3) Centerline. To avoid drafting violations you must stay at least 3 bike lengths behind the competitor in front of you. When attempting to pass you must do so within 15 seconds. Blocking violations are assessed for failing to ride to the right (except when passing). Centerline violations can be avoided by not crossing the yellow centerline of the road. HELMETS ARE REQUIRED. Chin strap must be buckled at ALL times you are on the bike even when in the transition area. Handlebars/aerobars must have bar-end plugs securely inserted into the bar. Taping over bar ends is not permitted. Lack of bar end plugs will result in disqualification.

Registration Fees

This is a USAT sanctioned event and all participating athletes must have either a valid USAT annual membership OR will be required to purchase an adult 1-day USAT license ($15; age 18 or older) OR a youth annual license ($10; age 17 or younger).


NOTE! Register for this race and one or more others and SAVE! Click here for details on our Discount Race Packages.  


In addition to a safe, fun and well-managed event, the registration fee for the Sprint Triathlon or Splash & Dash includes:


  • Unisex or women's cut (until 3 weeks before the race) T-shirt

  • Water bottle wrapped in a cold hand towel at the finish

  • Swim cap

  • Finisher medal

  • Race photos

  • Finish line food & drink (e.g. bananas, energy bars, water, Gatorade)

    • NOTE: A pass to the post-race catered meal of BBQ chicken, pulled pork sandwiches, cornbread and more (includes GF and vegan options) is NOT included in the registration fee for the Sprint, but can be purchased for $20 when registering.

  • A chance to win valuable sponsor giveaways


SPRINT Triathlon Individual (Adult):


  • ​$125 From the open of registration to 1/1/25

  • $135 from 1/2/25 to 8/1/25

  • $145 from 8/2/25 to the close of online registration. ** (2023 & 2024 SOLD OUT) 

  • $155 during packet pick-up hours on Sat, 8/23, 2:30pm-5:30pm and on Sun, 8/24, 5:30am-7:00am.  


SPRINT Triathlon Individual (Youth, Age 13-19):


  • $95 From the open of registration to 1/1/25

  • $105 From 1/2/25 to 8/1/25

  • $115 From 8/2/25 to the close of online registration. ** (2023 & 2024 SOLD OUT)

  • $125 during packet pick-up hours on Sat, 8/23, 2:30pm-5:30pm and on Sun, 8/24, 5:30am-7:00am.


SPRINT Triathlon Relay Team:


  • $165 From the open of registration to 1/1/25

  • $175 From 1/2/25 to 8/1/25

  • $185 From 8/2/25 to the close of online registration. ** (2023 & 2024 SOLD OUT) 

  • $195 during packet pick-up hours on Sat, 8/23, 2:30pm-5:30pm and on Sun, 8/24, 5:30am-7:00am.


SPRINT Splash & Dash (Adult):


  • $65 from the open of registration to 1/1/25

  • $75 From 1/2/25 to 8/1/25

  • $85 From 8/2/25 to the close of online registration. ** (2023 & 2024 SOLD OUT)

  • $95 during packet pick-up hours on Sat, 8/23, 2:30pm-5:30pm and on Sun, 8/24, 5:30am-7:00am.


SPRINT Splash & Dash (Youth, Age 13-19):


  • $55 From the open of registration to 1/1/25

  • $65 From 1/2/25 to 8/1/25

  • $75 From 8/2/25 to the close of online registration. ** (2023 & 2024 SOLD OUT) 

  • $85 during packet pick-up hours on Sat, 8/23, 2:30pm-5:30pm and on Sun, 8/24, 5:30am-7:00am.


Click here to register.


In addition to a safe, fun and well-managed event, the registration fee for the Olympic Triathlon or Aquabike includes:


  • Unisex or women's cut (until 3 weeks before the race) T-shirt

  • Water bottle wrapped in a cold hand towel at the finish

  • Race photos

  • Finish line food & drink (e.g. bananas, energy bars, water, Gatorade)

  • Post race catered meal of BBQ chicken, pulled pork sandwiches, cornbread and more (will include GF and vegan options)

  • A chance to win valuable sponsor giveaways


OLYMPIC Triathlon Individual (Adult):


  • $155 From the open of registration to 1/1/25

  • $165 From 1/2/25 to 8/1/25

  • $175 From 8/2/25 to the close of online registration. ** (2023 & 2024 SOLD OUT)

  • $185 during packet pick-up hours on Sat, 8/23, 2:30pm-5:30pm and on Sun, 8/24, 5:30am-7:00am.


OLYMPIC Triathlon Individual (Youth, Age 15-19):


  • $125 From the open of registration to 1/1/24

  • $135 From 1/2/24 to 8/1/24

  • $145 From 8/2/24 to the close of online registration. ** (2023 & 2024 SOLD OUT)

  • $155 during packet pick-up hours on Sat, 8/23, 2:30pm-5:30pm and on Sun, 8/24, 5:30am-7:00am.


OLYMPIC Triathlon Relay Team:


  • $245 From the open of registration to 1/1/25

  • $255 From 1/2/25 to 8/1/25

  • $265 From 8/2/25 to the close of online registration. ** (2023 &2024 SOLD OUT)

  • $275 during packet pick-up hours on Sat, 8/23, 2:30pm-5:30pm and on Sun, 8/24, 5:30am-7:00am.


OLYMPIC Aquabike (Adult):


  • $145 From the open of registration to 1/1/24

  • $155 From 1/2/24 to 8/1/24

  • $165 From 8/2/24 to the close of online registration. ** (2023 & 2024 SOLD OUT)

  • $175 during packet pick-up hours on Sat, 8/23, 2:30pm-5:30pm and on Sun, 8/24, 5:30am-7:00am.


OLYMPIC Aquabike (Youth, Age 15-19):


  • $125 From the open of registration to 1/1/24

  • $134 From 1/2/24 to 8/1/24

  • $145 From 8/2/24 to the close of online registration. ** (2023 & 2024 SOLD OUT)

  • $155 during packet pick-up hours on Sat, 8/23, 2:30pm-5:30pm and on Sun, 8/24, 5:30am-7:00am.


Click here to register.

Event Schedule

The tentative event schedule for the 2025 Cranberry Trifest is below.


Packet pick-up hours for all races in the Cranberry Trifest are below. Note that all members of relay teams must be present to pick up their race packet together and every registered athlete MUST provide a photo ID. Athletes may NOT pick up race packets for anyone but themselves. Packet pick-up will be under the big tent on the grounds of the Ted Williams Camp located at 28 Precinct Street in Lakeville, MA (i.e. the race site).


Saturday, 8/23/25:


  • 2:30PM: Packet pick for all races in the Cranberry Trifest at the Ted Williams Camp.

  • 5:30PM: Packet pick-up concludes


Sunday, 8/24/25:


  • 5:30am: Transition opens, race packet pick-up begins  for the Sprint race at Ted Williams Camp

  • 7:00am: Race packet pick-up concludes and pre-race meeting with announcements from the Race Director; athletes must be in or near transition

  • 7:10am-7:25am: Warm-up swim in Loon Pond

  • 7:20am: All athletes must be out of transition

  • 7:30am: Race start

  • 10:30am (est): Awards ceremony and giveaways – SPRINT races

  • 11:30am (est): Award ceremony and giveaways – OLYMPIC races

Directions & Parking

Directions to Ted Williams Camp: From Boston (42 miles): Take Rte. 93 South to Rte 24 South towards Fall River; take Rte 24 South to exit 14A for Rte. 495 South towards Cape Cod; take Rte. 495 South to exit 5 for Rte. 18 South; turn right off the ramp and follow Rte 18 South/Bedford Street approximately 3 miles; look for the sign to the rear entrance to the park on your right (just past the Lakeville Police station).


Parking: The grounds of the Ted Williams Camp (TWC) offer ample parking for athletes and spectators and our parking crew will be in place on race mornings to help direct you where to park when you arrive. The camp has two entrances with one on Rte 18/Bedford Street and one on Precinct Street. Most of the TWC parking is located near the Rte 18/Bedford St entrance. On race mornings the Precinct Street entrance will be closed once the TWC parking near that entrance is filled. Athletes and spectators that park near that entrance will not be able to leave until all bikes are off the course which will be approximately 10am on Saturday and 11am on Sunday. Cars that park near the Rte 18/Bedford Street entrance will be able to come and go throughout the morning.


Volunteers wanted!

Volunteers are the backbone of any good triathlon. If you aren’t racing this year’s Cranberry Trifest but still want to be a part of the action, help support the event as a volunteer. All volunteers get a free t-shirt, food and drinks and the satisfaction of contributing your support to the athletes that are giving it their all in a triathlon.  Click here to access the Cranberry Trifest volunteer registration page with a list of available volunteer jobs, a brief description of the roles and the time commitment.


Are you looking to raise money for your community group? If yes, we should talk. We partner with a variety of community groups who volunteer for our races as part of a fundraising effort. To learn more about volunteering at our events as an individual or as part of a community group fund raising effort please contact us at


This race was established in 2002 as the Cranberry Country Triathlon and was expanded in 2009 to a full weekend of racing. Results for every race for every year of Cranberry are below.

Event Policies, Cancellation, Refunds, Deferrals & Transfers

  • Refund Protect: Refund Protect is a program made available by haku, our registration partner,  that will protect 100% of your registration investment due to illness (including COVID-19), injury, flight disruption and other reasons based on specific terms and conditions. There is a cost to purchase Refund Protect. Details on this program can be found here.

  • Refunds: This event is non-refundable. You must purchase refund protect (third-party insurance) to receive a refund. This product is less expensive than our old previous cancellation fee & allows you to have more flexibility to cancel closer to race day. 

  • Deferrals: Athletes may request a deferral of their 2025 Cranberry Trifest entry to the 2026 Cranberry Trifest up until 6/1/25. Deferral requests must be submitted in writing to The deferral schedule and deferral fee are as follows:​​

    • Athletes requesting deferral between 1/1/25 & 6/1/25 will pay a $50 deferral fee at the time they defer to the 2026 race. Athletes will then be sent a complimentary registration link for the same category of the 2026 Cranberry Trifest when registration opens. Deferrals will only be granted 1 time per race entry. Athletes may not roll over a deferral beyond the next sequential race. 

    • No deferrals will be granted after 6/1/25.

  • Cancellation: If the 2025 Cranberry Trifest is canceled for adverse weather, natural catastrophe or terrorism registered athletes may receive a full or partial refund through our partnership with haku, our registration partner, and their relationship with Adventure Advocates (note: cancellation due to COVID-19 or other infectious diseases are not covered by this policy).  Click here for more details on this refund program. Should a partial or full refund not be possible, Outsider Endurance would extend athletes a partial credit towards entry in the 2026 Cranberry Trifest.

  • Course Changes: Event Management reserves the right to alter, cancel or eliminate any portion of a race at any time in the interest of athlete safety or for other reasons beyond our control. No refunds will be issued if changes are made to a race due to these circumstances.

  • Category Change: Category change requests (e.g. triathlon to aquabike; Elite/Open to Age Group) must be submitted by Friday, August 4, 2025.

  • Transfers to Other Outsider Endurance Races: Registered athletes that are unable to race may transfer to another 2024 OE race. Transfer requests must be made no later than August 4, 2025. If the registration fee for the race transferred to is LESS than the registration fee already paid, the difference in price is forfeited. If the registration fee for the race transferred to is MORE than the registration fee paid you will be required to pay the difference in registration fees. Note that any USAT fees collected during the registration process are transmitted directly to USAT and are, therefore, not refundable by Outsider Endurance (contact USAT for a refund request). Online processing fees are also non-refundable.

  • The exchange, transfer or sale of entries to other athletes is strictly prohibited.

Where to Stay

Host Hotel for the Cranberry Trifest

Hampton Inn Raynham-Taunton: Book using this link to save,

BPC Patriot Half
Gatorade Endurance
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